ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES- Work Settings & Business English Conversation

Foreign languages

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ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) is the teaching of English that focuses on developing communicative skills in a particular field or occupation. ESP courses are designed to meet specific needs of the learners.


  • Work Settings & Business English Conversation
  • Basic English for Office & Business English Conversation
  • Grammar (Beginner to Intermediate)
  More than 10 years
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About program

ESP, or English for Specific Purposes, is an innovative approach to language teaching that places great emphasis on tailoring the learning experience to the individual learner's needs and goals. Unlike general English language training, ESP takes a more advanced approach by designing content specifically for adult learners who are professionals or experts in their respective fields.

This specialized approach ensures that the content is directly relevant to the learner's specific area of work or study. By focusing on the learner's requirements, ESP enables the acquisition of task-specific vocabulary and skills that are essential for success in their professional endeavors.

In essence, ESP recognizes the importance of incorporating the learner's motivation and reason for learning into the teaching process. Whether it be for academic purposes, business communication, or specific industry-related knowledge, ESP strives to provide learners with the linguistic tools and strategies necessary for effective communication within their chosen field.

By aligning the content and strategies with the learner's specific objectives, ESP offers a targeted and meaningful learning experience. This approach ensures that learners are better equipped to meet the challenges and demands of their particular work situation, making it a highly valuable method for adult learners seeking to enhance their professional skills through language acquisition.




Are you searching for a versatile English teacher with a wealth of experience across various age groups and specialized areas? Look no further! With 32 years of teaching experience, I have expertly delivered Business English lessons to professionals, nurtured the language skills of kids, teens, and adults, and provided General English instruction that caters to the diverse learning needs of students in different parts of the world. With a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, TEFL/TESOL certificate, and a C1 English Proficiency Level earned from the esteemed British Council, I am ready to guide you towards fluency and success in your English language journey. So, come on! Let's embark on this exciting adventure together!

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